Aaron Brown

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Unless Rents Rise, Housing Is Set Up For An Epic Crash


It's hard to deny that residential real estate is likely facing a disaster.

Abandoning Value Stocks Requires Some Dubious Assumptions


A new paper from hedge fund manager Cliff Asness has sparked a fierce debate.

The Stock Market's Rebound Has History On Its Side


Since 1926, equities have recovered more than half of a 10% or larger decline 79 times.

Stock Investors Better Hope A Recession Has Started


Equity declines of more than 20% that were not followed by recessions within four months were much worse for investors.

Is This A Stock Picker's Market? It's Complicated


In these unsettled times, it's just better to be on the right side of global economic forces.

Bitcoin's Fair Value Is Tied To Gold And Tech Stocks


Just four factors explain 88% of the variance in the digital currency's price over the last four years.

Crypto-Trading Addiction Is The 'Reefer Madness' Of 2022


Learning from experience helps young people make wise risk decisions.

What College Enrollment Trends Say About The New Economy


Demand is booming for “science of blue-collar occupation” degrees.

The Bond Market Losing $2.6 Trillion Is Actually Good News


For the vast majority of fixed-income investors, the opportunity to capture higher yields offsets any unrealized losses.

Populism May Be Losing Its Influence Over Markets


The world economy seems headed into a more prosperous, peaceful, egalitarian and cohesive environment over the next decade.

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