Aaron Brown

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Wall Street's Model Portfolios Are Misunderstood


Any advisor who doesn't understand that managers profit when investors use their products should find another profession.

Can Your Portfolio Outsmart The Three Fed Bears?


Guessing the future can produce above-average returns, but prudent investors plan for being wrong as well as for being right.

Gary Gensler's 2-and-20 Push Won't Help Hedge Fund Investors


The SEC chair's suggestions would foster strategies designed to attract clients rather than improving performance.

Is Crypto Really Worth $3 Trillion? I Ran The Numbers.


The potential of digital currencies is far greater than any one company today, but the risk is far higher.

Pension Funds' Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray


Plans are flush again after a big rally in stocks, making it likely that long overdue reforms will be put off yet again.

What Gary Gensler Really Meant With His Order Flow Remarks


The SEC chair is taking aim at market makers like Citadel and Virtu, not Robinhood and other brokers.

Many ESG Funds Are Just Expensive S&P 500 Indexers


When it comes to ETFs, it's hard to save the world by being cheap and average.

Should Wall Street Brace For A Tobin Tax?


A new paper from Nobel laureate George Akerlof--the husband of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen--provides a powerful clue.

401(k) Plans No Longer Make Much Sense For Savers


The inherent extra return participants enjoyed for many years has almost disappeared.

Stock Investors Are Younger And More Racially Diverse


More than half the racial gap in individual stock ownership has disappeared essentially overnight.

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