Alex Tanzi

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Youngest Baby Boomers' Pay In The U.S. Peaked When They Hit 45


For people without a college degree, earnings even fell in later years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Americans Say Government Can Do More To Ease Student-Loan Crisis

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Education costs are out of hand, say 56% of Americans surveyed by Bankrate.

Bosses Dislike Work-From-Home But Suspect They're Stuck With It


The shift to remote work during the pandemic is enduringly popular with employees.

U.S. Will Have To Write Off Billions In Student Debt Due To Deaths

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Some 300,000 borrowers are estimated to have died since March 2020.

Shrinking Minority Of Americans Able To Cover $400 Surprise Bill

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Just over one-third of survey respondents said they'd need to borrow money to pay off such a bill.

A 5% Mortgage Rate Is Seen As Tipping Point To Unlock Supply


A Zillow survey indicated that was the rate that would get the most sellers to enter the market.

Pay Gap Between Biggest U.S. Cities Is Getting Wider As Wages Slow


Overall U.S. employment costs for private industry rose in the second quarter at the slowest pace in two years.

Homeowner Equity Climbs To A Record High


The proportion of equity-rich mortgage-payers increased in 45 of the nation's 50 states last quarter.

'Payment Shock' Looms For Millions With U.S. Student-Loan Restart


The reboot of federal student loan payments is going to hit household budgets.

White Men Experience Biggest Cognitive Declines After Retirement


The declines were almost three times more acute among White Americans than Black peers.

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