Alex Tanzi

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More Americans Are Getting Turned Down For Loans, Fed Data Shows


The rejection rate for loan applicants has jumped to the highest level in five years.

Credit Scores Got A Boost In Pandemic But Lenders Should Be Wary

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Since bottoming out during the pandemic, loan defaults and delinquencies remain scarce by historical standards.

Biggest Losers Of AI Boom Are Knowledge Workers, McKinsey Says


Business activity ranging from sales and marketing to customer operations are set to become more embedded in software.

People Living In U.S. Cities Are More Financially Strained Than Suburbanites


Nearly 70% of urban dwellers were living paycheck to paycheck last month. Only 55% of suburbanites were.

More Americans Struggling With Their Finances, Fed Survey Shows

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All racial and ethnic groups polled in the survey saw a decline in financial well-being from a year earlier.

More Than A Dozen States Boast Best Job Markets In Their History


There were some states where the job market has worsened and unemployment climbed over the past year.

Even A 'Mild' Recession Comes With Steep Price In Lost Jobs

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Wall Street projects that a drop in payrolls could reach 3.4 million.

More Than A Third Of American Homes Struggle To Make Ends Meet, Census Says


More households struggle with expenses now than did in the immediate aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Independent Workforce Climbs As U.S. Women Leave Traditional Jobs


There were an estimated 6.7 million independent professionals last year, up 2.2% from 2021.

Americans Have Never Been So Unwilling To Relocate For A New Job


The share of job seekers who relocated to take up a new position fell to 1.6% in the first quarter, a survey says.

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