Evan Simonoff

Evan Simonoff is editor-in-chief and editorial director of Financial Advisor magazine, as well as editorial director of Private Wealth magazine. He has spent more than 15 years as an editor and reporter covering the financial services industry. Evan is a widely recognized expert on personal finance and investments. 

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The first problem that financial advisors need to address with clients approaching retirement isn't risk tolerance; it's finding investments that can match their liabilities, or living expenses.

Memo To PIMCO: The Old Normal Wasn't Normal

What was so normal about the old normal? Buying a house with no financial documentation? A negative savings rate? Three billion credit-card solicitations in one year? That was what Mellody...

Putnam's Reynolds Sees Federal Insurance Regulation

Bob Reynolds, chairman and CEO of Boston-based Putnam Investments, said that the wave of regulations coming out of Washington won't end in 2010...

TD's Bradley On Small RIA Mergers And CNBC

It's still unclear what regulatory reform will look like, but Tom Bradley, CEO of TD Ameritrade's institutional unit, says small RIA firms may need to consider merging with other firms or...

Ibbotson On The Amazing Illiquidity Premium

Few pieces I've ever written generated as much interest as Financial Advisor's Big Picture column in the September issue on Roger Ibbotson's research into the amazing premium the stock market...

Arnott: Double-Dip Odds 50% Plus, Beware Reflation

Despite a series of economic reports pointing to a continuing anemic recovery, Research Affiliates founder Rob Arnott believes the odds of a double-dip recession remain above 50%.

Sensible Capital Gains Tax Treatment

The way the U.S. government taxes capital gains makes little sense. That in itself is not surprising. But it is counter-productive when it comes to long-term capital formation.

Ready For Reckoning

It is an unfortunate fact that we live in a world of imbalances. Three years ago, the global economy was dependent on American consumers shopping until they dropped, which they finally have...

Corzine Sees GOP House Takeover In November

Unless something major happens in the next three months, the first Tuesday in November won't be "much fun for Democrats," according to former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine. 

Grantham: Europe Rejects Keynes For Hoover

When it comes to the art of being a silver-tongued purveyor of doom, Nouriel Roubini can't hold a candle to Jeremy Grantham...

Has Hurley Fueled Advisors' Delusions?

As I reread the interview I did with Fiduciary Network CEO Mark Hurley in the July issue, it suddenly dawned on me how prescient many of his observations were, particularly about the benefits and...

Paul Newman, George Soros And the Crumbling Euro

Watching events unfold in Greece and the rest of Europe over the last month, I couldn't help but think of a scene from the 1981 movie, Fort Apache, The Bronx, in which Paul Newman plays a cynical,...

Advisors' Lawsuit Nightmare: The Untold Story

A financial advisor who occasionally moonlights as an expert witness recently told me that he had many more requests to testify than he can handle...

Animal Spirits: The Last Time Capital Gains Taxes Rose

If all goes according to expectations, next year the federal tax rate on capital gains will rise for the first time in 23 years from 15% to 20%...

The Dollar Thrives As The Un-Euro


Since this decade has commenced a few short months ago, the U.S. dollar has defied conventional wisdom and appreciated fairly dramatically...

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