Evan Simonoff

Evan Simonoff is editor-in-chief and editorial director of Financial Advisor magazine, as well as editorial director of Private Wealth magazine. He has spent more than 15 years as an editor and reporter covering the financial services industry. Evan is a widely recognized expert on personal finance and investments. 

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Chris Davis: Let Shareholders Weigh In On Exec Pay


In late February, I spent an afternoon interviewing Selected Funds' Chris Davis and the interview touched upon a variety of subjects, which you can read about in the April issue of Financial...

Why Populist Outrage Will Get Worse


Watching the spectacle of buffoons in Congress fall all over themselves this week raging over the absurd bonuses at AIG, one could only hope that we were witnessing the level of populist outrage...

FINRA's Ketchum Lusting To Regulate RIAs


By all accounts, FINRA's new CEO Rick Ketchum is an honorable "public servant" who has spent most of his life working hard to make our financial markets a better place...

Prominent Short Sellers Turn Bullish


As stock prices collapsed this week to levels not seen for 12 years, a small chorus of experts, including several prominent short sellers, either called a bottom or said it was near...

FBI Investigating 500 Alleged Ponzi Schemes?


It can't be confirmed, but word has it that the FBI is currently investigating about 500 alleged Ponzi schemes...

Banks Look Like Dead Men Walking


A stress test for Citigroup? Surely, they jest. It would be like asking Ralph Kramden, that is Jackie Gleason, to run a three-hour marathon. Yesterday's news that the U.S...

Jim Cramer, Doubling Down And Value Traps


I have a confession: Every few weeks, I watch Jim Cramer for 10-15 minutes...

First Pacific's Rodriguez: Buy And Hold A Fool's Game


First Pacific Advisors CEO Robert Rodriguez is the only money manager ever to win Morningstar's manager of the year award in both the equity and fixed-income categories...

Advisor Turns Rage On Karl Rove


Last Friday, February 6, an outstanding TD Ameritrade conference suddenly turned into a WWF-like smackdown event when an advisor, trembling with rage, lashed out at former White House advisor Karl...

Comprehensive Financial Planning = Crazy?


For several decades, the profession's leading practitioners have described their work as comprehensive financial planning...

Black Rock's Doll: Feds Will Buy Equities, If Needed


Speaking at TD Ameritrade's annual conference in Las Vegas, Black Rock Vice Chairman Bob Doll told attendees that "if the Fed needs to buy stocks on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, they...

Advisors' Trillion-Dollar Opportunity


Last week I had the opportunity to speak with one of the smartest financial advisors I know, J. Michael Martin of Financial Advantage in Columbia, Md...

Grantham: 2009 Will Be The Worst Year of Our Lives


When it comes to commentary on the economy and the financial markets, there is no more entertaining grouch, grump and grinch than GMO's Jeremy Grantham...

More Scams Expected


Hardly a day goes by without another report of a hedge fund manager disappearing, a broker jumping out of a plane and faking his death or a hedge fund closing with virtually zero assets...

Jack Brennan In The Wings?


When rumors surfaced that President-elect Obama would nominate Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary in late November, the stock market rallied 5% in a few hours...

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