FA Magazine

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Using Guardrails For The 4% Rule


After Morningstar came up with a new number in 2021, two divergent opinions about the safe withdrawal rate have now reconciled.

America's Top 1% Don't Make As Much As You Might Think


Income inequality is still a huge problem, but it hasn't been growing as quickly as some statistics indicate.

Gifting, Roth IRAs Figure Big In 2023 End-Of-Year Tax Moves


The looming sunset of some 2017 tax reforms is starting to figure into tax planning.

New Fiduciary Rule Targets Onetime Rollovers


The rule would cut “junk fees” and provide billions in savings, the agency says.

Consider These Year-End Tax Moves For Business-Owner Clients


Business owners should prepare now for the sunsetting of provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

ProShares Rounds Out Crypto ETF Lineup


ProShares introduced its sixth cryptocurrency-linked ETF to fill out its suite of similarly styled products.

The Stunning Resilience Of Emerging Markets


Contrary to many analysts' expectations, emerging markets have not spiraled into a debt crisis.

Breaking Binary Patterns Of Problem-Solving


Our patterns of thinking can lead to self-destructive cycles. Here are some ways to break them.

We're The Lucky Ones


When one looks around the world, it's easy to see why so many people want to come here.

Three Myths About The Bond Market


The era of declining interest rates may have come to an end, and many investors don't seem to realize it.

Founders Beware: Younger Advisors Are Leaving


The next generation of advisors may be looking to find a new firm.

Higher For Longer Mantra Confounds Bond Investors


What do fixed-income investors say when 15 years of sleepy interest rates suddenly perk up?

A Text To Show You Care


As email inboxes become jammed, texting becomes an attractive marketing solution. But be mindful of regulators.

Conversational Opportunity Comes Knocking


When you're more aware of yourself as a talker, you'll see how important some conversations are.

A Direct Impact


Foundations can help by sometimes giving directly to people. But watch for the tax implications.

Facing The Dreaded Non-Compete Clause? There Are Remedies.


Non-compete clauses are increasingly out of favor politically, but larger RIAs are holding on tight.

Preparing Clients For The Risk Of Cognitive Decline


Advisors often have to bring up this sensitive topic with clients.

Should Clients Know Their Advisor's Net Worth?


Advisors agree that they should be open with their clients about their personal finances.

Talking Bots


How will AI be used by advisors? And how can they do it ethically?

Sierra Expands Mutual Funds Suite


The fund suite uses a distinctive tactical investment approach to produce long-term returns while limiting downside risk.

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