FA Magazine

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Talking Bots


How will AI be used by advisors? And how can they do it ethically?

Should Clients Know Their Advisor's Net Worth?


Advisors agree that they should be open with their clients about their personal finances.

Preparing Clients For The Risk Of Cognitive Decline


Advisors often have to bring up this sensitive topic with clients.

Facing The Dreaded Non-Compete Clause? There Are Remedies.


Non-compete clauses are increasingly out of favor politically, but larger RIAs are holding on tight.

A Direct Impact


Foundations can help by sometimes giving directly to people. But watch for the tax implications.

Conversational Opportunity Comes Knocking


When you're more aware of yourself as a talker, you'll see how important some conversations are.

A Text To Show You Care


As email inboxes become jammed, texting becomes an attractive marketing solution. But be mindful of regulators.

Higher For Longer Mantra Confounds Bond Investors


What do fixed-income investors say when 15 years of sleepy interest rates suddenly perk up?

Founders Beware: Younger Advisors Are Leaving


The next generation of advisors may be looking to find a new firm.

SEC Warns Investors To ‘Do The Math' On Advisor Subscription Fees


The fees may seem cheap, but they can gradually eat away an investment account, the SEC said.

Retirement Income Investing: A New Set Of Opportunities


Some advisors are building bond ladders to the sky as they lock in higher interest rates while they can.

The Real Career Path


Careers begin where career tracks end.

A Sample Weekly Marketing Schedule For Advisors


Here's how you make a calendar for marketing success.

Things AI Couldn't Even Conceive


Hospitality toward your clients doesn't cost anything. Yet it's priceless.

The Gift Of Collectibles


Those wanting to give away art and other valuables might consider a private foundation.

The Moments That Matter In Family Conversations


These seven questions can make (or break) your practice.

How Big A Gamble Is Monte Carlo For Advisors?


The popular simulation has its pros and cons, experts say.

Improving Cyber Controls To Protect Client Assets


Here are the steps that firms need to take to protect client assets from external threats.

Advantage Goes To Advisors


Advisors have the upper hand in the broker-dealer recruiting wars.

New Opportunity Set


Advisors and their clients enjoy a much broader opportunity set than average Americans.

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