Aaron Brown

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Do You Trust Bill Ackman To Build A $250 Billion Fund Manager?


Ackman needs to do a lot of work to justify the valuation of Pershing Square.

The Long, Slow Decline In Fund Manager Fees May Be Ending


A small and secretive corner of the exchange-traded fund business may be key to reversing the fortunes of traditional asset managers.

Bill Gross Is The Bond King, But Diversification Is Emperor


It's hard to argue with the risks the famed investor sees from rising U.S. debt, but bonds are an important piece of a balanced portfolio.

Don't Exit Stocks As If You're A Pension Fund


History suggests that reducing risk isn't the right long-term strategy for managers of retirement accounts.

Historians Need A Reality Check On The Great Depression


A shared understanding of the biggest economic event of the last century would help us better navigate the current transition.

Bitcoin Is Earning Its Place In A Balanced Portfolio


This redemption rally shows that it's safer to have a small allocation to the cryptocurrency than to ignore it.

Annuities Are Back In Fashion, But Are They Safe?


Rising interest rates have spurred a boom in demand, but investors should take note of recent industry changes.

Are Stocks A Better Buy Or Bonds With Treasurys At 5%?


History suggests long-term, good-quality corporate debt or mortgage securities are a good bet.

The SEC Risks Being Ensnared In Its WhatsApp Trap


The agency's moral authority may be eroded by how aggressively it has fined institutions.

What Shifting Stock-Bond Correlations Mean For Your Money


A recent paper suggests the relationship of the past quarter century is shifting in an uncertain inflationary environment.

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